
To earn the MSP Black Belt Patch you must pass these four standards in one of my classes. They must be done in this order and consecutively.
All standards are from concealment. If not concealed, then the following will be added to your time:
any holster no retention - Add .10 seconds.
(Time is 2.00 add .1 for total of 2.10)
ALS + SLS - Subtract .1
ALS Only - No extra time added
black belt STANDARDS
1. 3&2 Drill. 3 yards. 3 shots to the COM Alpha then transition to 2 rounds on a 3x5 card in the head box. Par is 2.0 seconds.
2. 1 Shot Drill @ 7 yards. 1 shot to COM Alpha. Par is 1.0 second.
3. Bill Drill. 7 yards. 6 shots to COM Alpha. Par is 2.0 seconds.
4. 1 Shot Drill @ 25 yards. 1 shot to COM Alpha. Par is 1.5 seconds.
To gauge your current level of skill and strive to get to the next level, here are the Blue, Purple, and Brown Belt levels.
Current Black Belt Recipients
00: Scott Jedlinski
1: Donovan Moore / February 8, 2019 / AIWB / M&P with DPP
2: Jared Clawson / March 22, 2019 / AIWB / CZ P10C with RMR
3: Mark Mandel / April 13, 2019 / AIWB / Glock 17 with RMR
4: Ross Downs / June 23rd, 2019 / ALS Duty/ Glock 17 with RMR
5: Donovan Moore / November 24th, 2019 / AIWB / M&P9 with SRO
6: Joe Apostolik / March 1st, 2020 / aiwb / Practical Performance M&P 9 with DPP
7: Kirk Clark/ March 15th, 2020 / AIWB / Glock 17 with SRO
8: Paul Bellitto / May 23rd, 2020 / AIWB / Zev OZ9 with SRO
9: Kirk Clark / February 4th, 2021 / AIWB / Glock 17 with SRO
10: Donovan Moore / January 31st, 2021 / AIWB / M&P9 with SRO
11: AJ Zito / May 30th, 2021 / AIWB / Practical Performance 1911 with rmr
12: Richard Holmes Jr / july 1st, 2021 / aiwb / glock 45 with rmr
13: wes Hersberger / July 4th, 2021 / ALS Duty / Sig P320 X5 with RMR
14: BJ Norris / December 17th, 2021 / owb / Glock 47 with DPP
15: Vinny Deyarmon / April 17th, 2022 / AIWB / Genghis komp Staccato P with SRO
16: Nick ratliff / April 21st, 2022 / AIWB MSP Pro/ Agency Comped G17 with SRO
17: Hunter Freeland / May 28th, 2022 / OWB / Staccato P Duo w/ SRO
18: Hunter Freeland / August 10th, 2022 / OWB / Staccato P Duo w/ SRO
19: Pete Woolard/ August 14th, 2022 / AIWB / M&P 2.0 with 509T
20: Parker Patrick / October 8th, 2022 / AIWB / Glock 17 with SRO
21: Chris Brown / December 10th, 2022 / ALS / Walther PDP 4.5 with MPS
22: Hunter Freeland / January 3rd, 2023 / OWB / Staccato P Duo w/ SRO
23: John Johnson / March 14th, 2023 / OWB / Staccato XC
24: John Johnson / March 15th, 2023 / OWB / Walther Q5 Steel Frame
25: Dustin Ardoin / April 18th, 2023 / OWB / Glock 17 with SRO
26: Dustin Ardoin / April 19th, 2023 / Owb / Glock 17 With SRO
27: Michael Porche / April 19th, 2023 / OWB / Sig P320 with SRO
28: Vinny Deyarmon / April 20th, 2023 / AIWB / Genghis komp Staccato P with SRO
29: Jordan Good / April 22nd, 2023 / OWB / Glock 34 with SRO
30: Alex mix / August 30th, 2023 / owb lvl3 / m&p 2.0 with sro
31: gil narvaez / september 21st, 2023 / owb / glock 45 with steiner mps
32. ALEX MIX / OCTOBER 14th, 2023/ OWB / M&P 2.0 WITH SRO
33. ALEX MIX / OCTOBER 15th, 2023 / OWB / M&P 2.0 WITH SRO
34. jeremy resuello / october 20th, 2023 / aiwb / m&p9 M2.0 with sro
35. jacob Tullis / December 3rd, 2023 / AIWB / Atlas Ares with SRO
36. Shane cardwell / december 17, 2023 / aiwb / m&p 2.0 with sro
37. joseph santana / december 20, 2023 / owb / glock 47 with sro
38. fabio spinella / january 10, 2024 / owb / beretta 92
39. russ lyons / february 11, 2024 / owb / walther pdp 5 with sro